Spinning Babies Training Opportunity

This training will change the way you think about helping pregnant people!

Spinning Babies, DoulasEVV Evansville Doula Newburgh

Mark your calendar, because we are soooo excited to announce that we are hosting a Spinning Babies training for birth professionals on Saturday March 12, 2022!!

If you’re already excited…

follow this link to go get registered ASAP!

If you need more information:

Spinning Babies is a unique approach to birth developed by midwife Gail Tulley that uses movement and positioning to help humans birth babies more easily. You can read so much more about the approach on the website, but I am here to tell you that I have been a HUGE fan of SB ever since I first became a doula. I regularly use many of these techniques like side-lying release & shake the apple tree! The SB website is one of my go-to sources, and honestly I’m so excited to get to do some hands-on learning with the widely traveled and revered trainer Tammy Ryan.

I love the approach of figuring out how technology and nature can work together to make birth better. I’ve been dreaming of getting a training here in Evansville! I know we’re going to have great interest from nurses, midwives, doulas, chiropractors, doctors, and so many more who can benefit from learning these techniques and upping their skills to help even more. I would be absolutely happy to talk to you about why I think this is an important training for Evansville, IN especially!

Don’t wait!

Spots will be limited to 30 participants for this one day training! There is an early-bird discount of course. We would LOVE to see you there if you are a birth professional nearby. (Psst, if you’re coming in from out of town, let us know and we’d love to meet you too!) We’re excited to host this event for our birthing community here in Southern Indiana!!