LGBTQIA+ Resources for Evansville Parents

"love is love" in black text on a rainbow background sign hanging on a white brick wall

June is Pride Month and we are HERE for it! We had so much fun at the River City Pride parade and festival last week. As a group of doulas, several of whom identify as being part of that rainbow family, we are 100% committed to supporting ALL families. We know love is LOVE and is always a beautiful thing. We’re also pretty blown away by all the great resources that we have here locally, including Greater Evansville Youth for young LGBTQIA+ people too. We LOVE supporting all types of families as they welcome new members. We know the difference between an ally & accomplice, asking preferred pronouns & gender affirming care. We want to help all families navigate the birthing and postpartum space with dignity, respect, & all the loving support possible. We also LOVE to gather & share resources with people, so here you go, in alphabetical order:

Fertility Options for Transgender Persons

Queer Doula Toolkit (for doulas & expecting families)


National LGBTQ Health Education Center: Reproductive Health

Tips for Finding an Ally Healthcare Provider

Trans Fertility Co

We’ll keep adding to these as we find more great resources too!

If you are looking…

If you are looking for local providers who offer gender affirming and queer welcoming practices, we’d love to talk to you about our experiences and recommendations. If you’d like a team of doulas at your side to help walk with you through the journey from expecting to beginning, we’re here for that too. If you’re trying to conceive or go through the process of surrogacy, we’ve been there with clients and are always happy to talk.

This June, we’re celebrating alongside our LGBTQIA+ family & friends too! If you see us out and about in our Free Mom Hugs T-shirt, come get a hug. We love putting our support & education into action, and are honored to get to serve all our clients! To everyone celebrating this month: HAPPY PRIDE!!! We’re here if you ever should need our services.

DoulasEVV Evansville Doula Newburgh LGBTQ