3 Evansville Dates to Go on While You Are Still Pregnant

Fun ways to connect with your partner in the EVV before baby arrives!

DoulasEVV Evansville Doula Newburgh

The end of pregnancy can be really challenging. You might be uncomfortable with a baby kicking your bladder and sending you to the bathroom 5x an hour. You might be anxious wondering when labor is going to start. Maybe you are counting down the days until your induction and hoping things get going before then. You might be hot and hormonal and ready to not be pregnant anymore, and staring at the full moon wishing the old wives tales were right. (The next full moon will be Friday September 13th, in case you were wondering.) Instead of wishing the end of your pregnancy away, I want to give you three fun dates to go on in Evansville while you are still pregnant.

  1. First Fridays at Haynie’s Corner are so much fun and filled with art, music, all kinds of local businesses, food trucks, and sometimes even some shenanigans! I always make sure to stop by Sixth Street Soapery even if only for the amazing smells and to see Mary Allen’s smile! Walk down and grab some lemonade next to the fountain and listen to some live music. Peruse some local art and if you get hungry there are food trucks and all kinds of great spots to sit like Sauced and Walton’s International Comfort Food. If your feet are feeling swollen and you are sick of waddling around, you can even hitch a ride on an Evansville Pedicab to rest and still feel the wind in your hair. The First Friday of every warm month, this is where it is at, so check out the Haynie’s Corner Arts District page if you want to find more cool stuff going on in this little slice of fun in Evansville.
  2. If you’d like to still get out of the house and do something fun with your partner, but maybe not with such a crowd, perhaps you would consider a cooking class at Thyme in the Kitchen. You could sit a while at White Swan Coffee Lab, get a sweet treat at Milk and Sugar Scoop Shoppe, then stroll around window shopping along Franklin St. This date gives you and your partner time to connect doing things together, learning, and talking about whatever comes to mind. Connecting to your partner is such a great thing to do before a baby gets thrown in the mix and things get more complicated.
  3. Maybe events aren’t your thing at all, and you’d prefer a quieter evening out with your partner. If you love movies and being waited on like the Royalty that you are, my husband and I LOVE treating ourselves to a movie at Royal Suite. No, they won’t pause the movie for you, so definitely don’t pick a long one, BUT they will bring you food when you push a button and that is pretty great. Bonus: their seats recline and you can elevate your feet! When we’re feeling really wild, afterwards we pick up some snacks at Aihua International Market and head down for a stroll on the Evansville Riverfront Park. There might even be some kids playing at Mickey’s Kingdom Playground and you can join them in a swing just for fun! Having a bit of fun together before your baby comes is a great way to connect as a couple.

Connection is an important thing in any partnership, and marking the passage of major milestones, or even in anticipation of them, is a great thing to do. You don’t have to spend a ton of money on a giant vacation to connect with your honey before you give birth. After the baby arrives, life shifts, and making sure your relationship foundation is solid before you start rocking it is a great thing! Dates are one of my favorite ways to connect with my partner, and making time for them isn’t always easy, but is always important.

What are your favorite things to do around Evansville at the end of pregnancy? What special plans are you making with your partner for before baby arrives?