We Care about our Statistics

We like transparency! 2023 was a weird year.

I like numbers, even though I’m really not that great at math to be honest. One of my favorite things to do every year is to look at how we as doulas are doing. Are we making difference for our clients? Does that difference show up in our outcomes in addition to what our clients say to us? Numbers don’t tell the whole story, but they certainly tell part of it. Here is part of our story from 2023.

Primiparas rule!

Whether expecting their 1st or 6th, we served all kinds of clients, but 2023 was full of MANY 1st time parents (primapara). Maybe it is the fact that we offer access to a full online childbirth education and partner support class. Maybe it is the fact that our clients all recommend us to their friends? Maybe our group is the first to come up in a Google search and then we wow potential clients in the interview? Whatever it is, we’re here for it and look forward to continuing to serve as many families as will have us!

Inductions GALORE!

We go all kinds of places, but The Women’s Hospital in Newburgh seems to be the most common. Maybe because we’re all on the approved list of doulas there, so we don’t count as visitors? Maybe because many providers there recommend us to their patients? Maybe because 2/3 of people who give birth in our area, give birth there? We’re happy to serve our clients in all kinds of places, including in their homes with a qualified midwife in attendance too by the way. That induction percentage blew me away when I saw that come through too. So many thoughts on that, but still ruminating on it a bit.


Did you know that your provider can find out ALL of their numbers and share them with you too? I think transparency would be a great way to possibly change the way things are done. Transparency in statistics like primary NSTV cesarean rate, episiotomy, VBAC, and so much more would help not only patients make informed decisions about choosing a provider, but would also help providers to hold themselves accountable with DATA rather than just feeling their way through the dark about how they actually practice not just how they feel that they probably practice. Accountability is key in reducing unnecessary interventions, as supported by reams of scientific literature.

I digress…just show us the provider specific numbers! I’ll be looking at the hospital specific ones and posting about those too soon.

As doulas, we don’t promise any outcomes, but we know from the scientific evidence that having a doula does improve some outcomes and definitely patient experiences! Our job is to support our clients no matter what their choices are for themselves. We make sure they have the best information possible and support your unconditionally and without judgement. Everyone deserves to have someone in their corner!

Cheers to 2024 and being able to continue to serve families as they move from expecting to beginning.