We <3 Evansville!

I’m not from Evansville originally, so I will admit that a few things caught me by surprise when I moved here. The first time someone asked me where I went to school, my response was to say, “IU,” and they looked thoroughly confused. I was completely weirded out by someone actually wondering where I went to high school, because where I’m from your high school was easy to figure out if you knew where the person is from. BTW: I grew up in Yorktown, IN and went to Yorktown High School, in case you were wondering. I’ve lived in multiple states and even one foreign country, so many of my friends who live elsewhere have asked me why we chose to settle down in Evansville. The easy answer is that my husband’s family is here, but the actual answer has evolved the longer we live here. I’ve truly grown to love this little city, partly because of the awesome resources we have that I get to recommend to our clients all the time. Evansville is a little city, but we definitely have some great resources for expecting and growing families! Here are some of my favorites:

Chiropractic Care

Whether you are searching for a chiropractor to help you align your pelvis for birth, encourage your breech baby to flip, or to help with craniosacral therapy options, you are covered. We’re honestly really lucky to have outstanding chiropractic care in this area, with outstanding providers who I love talking to. Even 2 who will happily tell you all about their own home birth experiences!


I LOVE how much help this area has for people who might be struggling to feed their baby human milk or even just looking to donate their own milk to NICU babies. Did you know you can do that at The Women’s Hospital? Yep! Both of our local Evansville Hospitals have lactation departments full of people ready to help you feed your baby! They will meet you by appointment, have weigh and stay groups, and are super knowledgeable about all things lactation with zero judgement. BTW: if anyone ever acts judgmental about how you feed your baby, smile, nod and ask them to leave. Even if you deliver your baby at home, you can go to see the lactation consultants at Ascension St. Vincent or Deaconess The Women’s Hospital. Don’t want to leave the house? Ground Works has an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant that will come to you!! How great is that??

Oral Issues

If your baby is having issues latching, you may want to have them assessed for possible tongue or buccal ties–tethered oral tissues that make it challenging for them to get milk out of your breast. We have 3 dentists within this area that can help with that: Dr. Hubert, Dr. Seng, & Dr. Hancock-Jones! Maybe your child has an oral issue that doesn’t require a laser revision, rather a gentler approach to release tightness or move things around. That’s when we would send you to see the experts at Functional Face. Craniosacral therapy can also help with this in case you didn’t know that, so you have all kinds of resources to explore!

Pelvic Health

We FIRMLY believe that everyone who gives birth would benefit from visiting a pelvic floor physical therapist! Your body goes through some MASSIVE changes through pregnancy and postpartum, and a physical therapist can help you feel better, deal with incontinence, heck, even just get reacquainted with the muscles you need to keep everything inside of you. Yes, seriously! We are soooo happy to be able to refer people to outstanding physical therapists at Forefront Therapy, Ascension St. Vincent, & Deaconess The Women’s Hospital too!

Prepped Food

Last but not least, one of our oh so Midwestern favorite traditions is to send food to help new families transition to having a new baby. I am not someone that loves to cook, and I am someone who has friends flung far and wide, so I always appreciate having local resources to send home cooked meals to my friends or family wherever they are. There are several businesses that specifically cater to this market, and special bonus points that two of these are for the VEGANS in your life that everyone seems frightened to cook for too.

This little city has some outstanding resources, and we LOVE sharing them with our clients and everyone we know. The awesome people are honestly part of why I love living here, and the resources that have grown in the last 10 years since I started as a doula here have really helped keep my family here too. Do you know of an amazing resource here that we missed? Let us know! we’d love to add it!!