Postpartum Transition

All Birth Doula Packages with Doula Group of Evansville now include one postpartum planning session, because we think your postpartum transition is that important!

No matter what type of postpartum transition you are facing, we want you to feel prepared and supported. We talk to all kinds of parents about their worries and excitement and plans for postpartum, and while each situation is unique, so is our support. Beginning in 2021, all of our birth doula packages will now include one virtual visit with Kristyn, our postpartum doula.

Kristyn Tromley DoulasEVV Evansville Doula Newburgh
Kristyn Tromley, postpartum doula at Doula Group of Evansville

We believe that postpartum transitions can be such an amazing time in a family’s life, and honestly think that an ounce of planning can head off many issues. We also know that having a postpartum doula can help ease that transition, even just to have someone to call and check on you and give you unbiased information based on evidence and experience, as Kristyn does for her virtual clients. Postpartum transitions are beautiful liminal periods full of growth, learning, appointments, hormones, diapers, spit-up, and so much more. We are passionate about helping all our clients’ postpartum transitions be less fraught with stress and more full of confidence and support.

First time parents facing their first postpartum transition, often have many questions, and not just about which structured carrier is our favorite. (Though of course we’re happy to tell you what we used and liked!) Sometimes first time parents don’t even know what questions to ask a postpartum doula, or why one might be really helpful. I think that a visit with our postpartum doula Kristyn is so important for first time parents facing that first postpartum transition. She can really help new parents think about some thing obstacles that might be thrown in their path and how to plan ahead.

Once you have one kid, you know it all right? WRONG! Sometimes that second or third postpartum transition can be challenging in ways that you didn’t encounter the first time. Sibling interactions are usually the biggest worry after the first baby, but there are plenty of other things that a postpartum doula can help discuss too. Meal planning and logistics also loom large in subsequent postpartum transitions, with more mouths to feed and car seats to wrangle comes some shifting of responsibilities. Kristyn recently learned about this second postpartum transition herself, when she had her 2nd baby in October 2020, so she definitely has a fresh perspective.

So whether this is your first or eighth baby, we would love to talk to you about how we can help your postpartum transition be a little easier. We know just how important the 4th trimester is!

Pregnancy Loss Support

Just because pregnancy loss is common, does not make it easy.

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, and a time for remembering the smallest footprints on our hearts. Pregnancy loss isn’t something that we regularly talk about in our culture, so the regularity of it is often hidden. Everyone should know that one in four pregnancies ends in a loss.

Grief is a nebulous complex journey, and you don’t have to go it alone. Locally we have Emalyn’s Angels which is an outstanding organization dedicated to making sure parents don’t have to travel the path of grief alone. Speaking the names of their names and remembering them can be especially helpful for parents too.

I have also been so thankful for Chrissy Teigen & John Legend speaking out about their pregnancy loss. What a blessing they are to share their raw and real emotions. They are surely helping end the stigma of talking about pregnancy loss. We have been following their story and sending our love there way. They are so great at using their platform and images to push for change and acceptance. Speaking of photography: Did you know that there is a company that will send a free specially trained photographer for your baby born sleeping?

The complicated feelings that follow loss can be so challenging to navigate. That’s why one of the complimentary services we offer is Miscarriage & Stillbirth Support for both prenatal and postpartum. If you are facing a delivery knowing that you won’t take your baby home with you, we would be happy to meet with you to talk about your expectations and walk you through your options. Want to know what it could be like and what you can ask for? We will walk through it. We also offer postpartum support to help you find resources, talk about your experiences, and explore comfort techniques that might help during your grief especially. Please reach out to us if this is something you are interested in for your family.

I will never forget the brief lives of Ruby Grace and Desmond Truman. They were gone too soon, but most definitely left impressions on my doula heart. For all the beautiful births of babies that I get to attend, there are always those phone calls that break my heart too. When I know that a client is experiencing a pregnancy loss, I know that there is truly nothing that will bring them comfort in that moment. But doulas hold the space for pregnancy loss too, because that is what we do.

Postpartum Support

We want to support you without judgement. We want to help you find solutions that work for your family.

4th trimester support: literal and virtual

**This post contains affiliate links, and we may get a small commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Virtual Support

Do you know who to call when you are having trouble getting baby to calm down? Would you love to have a person who knows lots of different tricks and methods and who will listen to you without judgement? What if you had someone calling to check on you as often as you need to answer your questions and reassure you that you’re doing a great job? Postpartum support is something we love to do to help families, especially right now in this isolating pandemic.

Our Virtual Postpartum Package is set up to provide extra postpartum support to families during the time of COVID-19. Postpartum is already a time of introspection and withdrawal while families integrate their new baby into their lives. Currently, parents are faced with increased isolation or fewer social contacts. This package allows families to have access to a supportive, trained doula to process birth stories, explore “what’s normal” with infant care and postpartum recovery. We are happy to provide breastfeeding/bottle feeding/pumping support too! We also have lots of ideas for partners on how to best help and support their birthing partner and baby. We want to help answer your questions regarding sleep, infant development, bonding, baby wearing, soothing, sibling transitions, and navigating relationships. It’s like having a postpartum BFF in your pocket!

This virtual postpartum support package includes

  • 2 one-hour long planning sessions before the baby arrives
  • 6 postpartum support calls (30-60 minutes each)
  • 6 weeks of unlimited email/text postpartum support
  • Additional time can be purchased for $20/hour if needed

We would love to talk to you about how we can help support your postpartum transition!

Literal Support

Belly Bandit** is all about making products to support your growing family, and I especially love what they have for during the 4th trimester. When you are pregnant your growing baby pushes all of your organs out of the way to make room for your baby. Once that baby isn’t inside there anymore, all of your organs move back into their regular places, though of course not exactly the way they were before you got pregnant. That’s why sometimes even if you weigh the same as before, your clothes might not fit the same way. Your body has still been rearranged. A little extra literal postpartum support can be helpful in your 4th trimester to support your midsection as it retracts. We promise you won’t need it forever, but a little extra literal postpartum support can make a huge difference in the 4th trimester.

This is especially true if you had cesarean surgery to bring your child earth-side. Often after surgery your abdomen can feel very unstable postpartum, and even like you are scared to cough in case your guts are going to spill out. Sorry to be graphic, but if you have had cesarean surgery, then you know! One thing we like to recommend after surgery is a belly band that supports your abdomen, and Belly Bandit** has some very affordable and helpful ones. These can make you feel like your body is going to hold together better and can make a huge difference in recovery.


“I want to be around people that do things. I don’t want to be around people anymore that judge or talk about what people do. I want to be around people that dream and support and do things.”― Amy Poehler

We want to support you without judgement. We want to help you find solutions that work for your family. Contact us today to talk about how we can help support your growing family.