Babies Gotta Eat

Informed is best!

Rule #1: Feed the baby! You get to choose how you do that, and informed decisions are always best. As with all things human, there really is no one right way that is going to work for everyone. The two recent train derailments upstream from Evansville have parents worried about environmental toxins in our water, and I’ve gotten a few very worried parents asking about the safety of preparing formula with our tap water. I know my answer surprised them, so maybe it will surprise you too.

You shouldn’t be making formula with water straight from your tap. Yes, I’m serious, and no I didn’t know that when I was making formula for my children many moons ago. It wasn’t until I read the WHO’s Safe Preparation, Storage, & Handling of Powdered Infant Formula, that I really understood how wrong I had been. Sometimes formula can get contaminated during the manufacturing process. We saw this happen in one large facility and shutting that down to clean it up is part of what caused the recent formula shortage here in the United States. You can still look up your formula to see if it has been recalled here. To control for water-born pathogens that could come through in your tap water, yes, even here in Evansville, it is best practice to make your infant formula with water that has been boiled and then cooled. If you are concerned about contaminants in the water, then you could consider purchasing water to make formula for your baby.

Babies have to eat & making sure they can do so safely is really important. As one of my favorite lactation scholars has said multiple places: informed is best! Formula feeding has risks, and knowing how to mitigate them can help you be more at ease with doing what is best for you and your family. Inform yourself so that you can feed your baby confidently whether that’s with your body or from a bottle!

Doula Group of Evansville: 2021 All Wrapped Up

2021 brought a few surprising numbers for Doula Group of Evansville.

2021 has been a wild ride for our group! We grew from a group of 3 doulas to our current size of 6 doulas. This growth is especially exciting because it has meant that we can serve more families in our community. We’ve all continued to learn and grow in our professional skills this year too, which has been so amazing to do together. We continue to be in awe of the families that invite us into their space to help, and are so grateful to be able to keep doing our jobs during this pandemic. We’ve seen some incredible things this year including one of the most patient providers ever during the pushing stage and healthy beautiful babies born at home without even a cervical exam. The most surprising statistic we found was that 42% of our birth doula clients were induced, but honestly, it shouldn’t have been surprising at all considering that a 40% induction rate is average in the USA currently.

Our Numbers

5: the number of hospitals where we attended births. Our birth doulas went to births at Ascension St. Vincent Evansville, Deaconess Women’s Hospital, Good Samaritan Hospital Vincennes, Jasper Memorial Hospital, & Owensboro Health Regional Hospital. We didn’t have any clients deliver at Henderson Hospital or Daviess Community Hospital in Washington this year, but we definitely do go to births there too. We kept tabs on all 7 of these hospitals’ visitor policies this year as well, because COVID has kept them shifting throughout the year. Keeping up with those shifts has become much more a part of our jobs than we ever expected, but that’s doula life for you.

19: the number of providers we saw catch babies. That number includes 1 nurse midwife, 2 certified professional midwives, and 16 different OB/GYNs! This is one reason we spend so much time talking about the importance of providers. We SEE the difference provider preference and approach make when it comes to your experience of pregnancy and birth!! We know which providers are patient and kind, and which ones will tell you whatever you want to hear in the office and then change their tune completely when you are in labor. We know which providers ALWAYS cut an episiotomy and which are going to push you to induce at 39 weeks for any possible reason they can find. Are you looking for a provider who will sit and answer your questions at your appointments without their hand on the doorknob? We know some!!

43: the number of FREE weekly virtual office hours we had in 2021! This one hour a week is one of my favorite times to answer all kinds of questions. I’ve talked to people about becoming a doula, and made provider recommendations. Birth options & feeding issues have been the other main topics I’ve discussed with people who’ve stopped by to chat. I look forward to continuing this weekly chat, though I’m honestly thinking I will change the timing of it so that more people can come if they’d like. Perhaps an evening time?? I’ll decide soon and keep you all posted!


Beyond the numbers, we are 100% grateful for the families that have invited us into their space. We are so thankful to be able to talk to people as they prepare for the arrival of a new baby, and to walk with them through the journey from expecting to beginnings with their expanded family. As a group, we all honestly feel so very lucky to be able to doula in this community, and strive to be the best possible doulas we can be for each and every family we serve. The changes I have seen since 2014 have been remarkable, and I’m so proud of this team of rock star doulas that I’ve been able to gather around me in this group. My gratitude for their trust in me as their leader is enormous, and I strive to be worthy of that on a daily basis. Thank you!

Coming Soon…

We are looking forward to 2022 in a BIG way!! We’ve got some exciting things planned, and some changes are coming for our group too. Keep your eyes peeled on our social media and here for announcements about:

  • new doulas on our team
  • a free downloadable E-Book
  • new resources for our doula clients
  • online classes from us
  • outdoor classes (during warm months)
  • and more!!

We can’t wait to keep growing in 2022!

Psst, are you a birth worker who might want to come to a Spinning Babies training in Evansville March 12, 2022?? Come learn along with us!!

Doula Investment

We know that choosing to add a doula to your birth or postpartum team is a pretty big investment for most families, but you won’t regret it! From the time you hire your birth doula all the way through your 4th trimester postpartum, a doula can be there to help you every step of the way. Here are three ways your doula investment pays off for you:

“Is this normal?”

Pregnancy brings a whole lot of aches, pains, and questions about your changing body as you grow another human inside of it. Once you decide to make that doula investment your services begin right then. You get your doula’s phone number and can call or text them with ANY worries or questions you might have. We promise ZERO judgement for any questions, because we’ve probably already heard most of them before too.

We also know that the internet can be an overwhelming place for pregnant people. Not only can you ask your doula all your personal pregnancy, birth, & postpartum questions, but we also have an online classroom for our clients. Our classroom is filled with links, handouts, & even coloring pages that are helpful. We filter the internet, so you don’t have to worry about getting advice from random groups of possibly uninformed fellow parents.

Birth options

Contrary to popular belief, doulas don’t think everyone should have the same kind of birth. Investing in doula services means having someone on your team that wants to know YOU and your specific requests. Doulas invest in your experience, because that is our job on your team! Research has shown that doulas actually spend more time with you than anyone else on your birth team by the way, and that’s a pretty big deal. So whether you want to go without pain medication or want your epidural ASAP, a doula can still help you know all of your options. Doulas start getting to know your preferences during pregnancy and help you move through all those decisions during the entire process of bringing your baby earth-side.

Postpartum resources

Once your baby arrives, your doula doesn’t just ditch you! We have a ton of resources for families once you’re holding that baby. Whether you are looking for lactation information, local professionals that can help you physically recover, or even someone to come help out around the house while you shower, we can doula that. Sure our online classroom has resources for you, but sometimes you just need someone to come over and check on just you. Your birth doula will do just that.

Postpartum doulas are a newer thing here in Evansville, Indiana, but we are here to tell you that this is one doula investment that is going to knock your socks off too. A postpartum doula gives physical, emotional, & information support to families in the 4th trimester. Want someone to come do the dishes, fold your laundry, & give you non-judgmental feeding advice while never asking to hold your baby? That’s what a postpartum doula does.

You’re worth it too!

We know that the price-tag for doula services can leave you with sticker shock. We get it. We hope that this blog post has helped explain a bit of what you are going to get for your doula investment. No two client experiences are going to ever look exactly the same, and that is honestly a great thing. We want to help you have the best experience possible from the time you hire your doula until well after you cuddle your baby for the first time. Your doula will be with you every step of the way as much as you want them to be. The experience of bringing your baby into this world is one that will be with you forever, and hiring a doula who is entirely focused on you means investing in your well-being. We know you’re worth it, and we’d be happy to talk to you about how we might be able to help your family.

Welcome Heather Spain: Birth & Postpartum Doula

One of the most sought after doulas in Southern Indiana has joined the Doula Group of Evansville team!

Heather is a modest and quiet person until you get to know her a little better. She is a highly intelligent and compassionate doula who knows her stuff because of her professional and personal experience. She is gentle and kind, but isn’t afraid to tell it like it is when that is what is needed in the moment. Heather has been a doula friend of mine for years, and I am honestly honored that she has chosen to join our team here at Doula Group of Evansville. I have had the chance to trust my clients to Heather before as a back-up doula, and now I get to help her find her own clients too!

Doula Heather Spain

Her Experience:

Heather has extensive doula experience both at hospital and home births. She is a highly skilled and trained doula who takes her role very seriously, but knows how to laugh at just the right times too. As a mom of 4, twins sandwiched between 2 singletons, Heather brings a TON of personal experience to the job as well. She’s had to juggle all the things, and she’s looking forward to helping all types of families learn to do the same from pregnancy announcement and into the 4th trimester. Heather is a former board member of our local Moms of Multiples group and fervent reader of all things lactation. She brings her knowledge and fantastic giggle to every interaction you have with her, and her organization skills are legendary. Heather is also an experienced placenta encapsulator, and will be tackling that role for us as well!

Heather Spain, DoulasEVV Evansville Doula Newburgh

About herself:

“I have been a DONA trained birth doula since 2017 and have worked in many capacities within the birthing community. I was raised in Evansville, where I still live with my husband of 11 year and our four amazing children. Their unique births sparked my passion for working with birthing people and their families in all stages of their journey.”

See, I told you she’s modest! I would thoroughly embarrass her if I wrote all the amazing things I think about her here. Please suffice it to say that Heather is a one of a kind dynamite doula who knows her stuff!


Heather is available to start taking clients as early as mid-September for both birth and postpartum. That continuity of care from 1st trimester through 4th trimester is one of the greatest parts of Heather being able to do both birth and postpartum work! Want to meet Heather to see if she’s the right one to help you welcome your new little(s) into the world? Contact us today: or 812-250-9590.

Postpartum Transition

All Birth Doula Packages with Doula Group of Evansville now include one postpartum planning session, because we think your postpartum transition is that important!

No matter what type of postpartum transition you are facing, we want you to feel prepared and supported. We talk to all kinds of parents about their worries and excitement and plans for postpartum, and while each situation is unique, so is our support. Beginning in 2021, all of our birth doula packages will now include one virtual visit with Kristyn, our postpartum doula.

Kristyn Tromley DoulasEVV Evansville Doula Newburgh
Kristyn Tromley, postpartum doula at Doula Group of Evansville

We believe that postpartum transitions can be such an amazing time in a family’s life, and honestly think that an ounce of planning can head off many issues. We also know that having a postpartum doula can help ease that transition, even just to have someone to call and check on you and give you unbiased information based on evidence and experience, as Kristyn does for her virtual clients. Postpartum transitions are beautiful liminal periods full of growth, learning, appointments, hormones, diapers, spit-up, and so much more. We are passionate about helping all our clients’ postpartum transitions be less fraught with stress and more full of confidence and support.

First time parents facing their first postpartum transition, often have many questions, and not just about which structured carrier is our favorite. (Though of course we’re happy to tell you what we used and liked!) Sometimes first time parents don’t even know what questions to ask a postpartum doula, or why one might be really helpful. I think that a visit with our postpartum doula Kristyn is so important for first time parents facing that first postpartum transition. She can really help new parents think about some thing obstacles that might be thrown in their path and how to plan ahead.

Once you have one kid, you know it all right? WRONG! Sometimes that second or third postpartum transition can be challenging in ways that you didn’t encounter the first time. Sibling interactions are usually the biggest worry after the first baby, but there are plenty of other things that a postpartum doula can help discuss too. Meal planning and logistics also loom large in subsequent postpartum transitions, with more mouths to feed and car seats to wrangle comes some shifting of responsibilities. Kristyn recently learned about this second postpartum transition herself, when she had her 2nd baby in October 2020, so she definitely has a fresh perspective.

So whether this is your first or eighth baby, we would love to talk to you about how we can help your postpartum transition be a little easier. We know just how important the 4th trimester is!