Families Deserve Support

The continuous support of a doula is supported by science!

The continuous support of a doula is an evidence-based approach to improve outcomes, decrease intervention, & increase satisfaction. Multiple scientific studies and committee opinions have concluded that doulas make a difference! This is an easy to read summary of the evidence if reading academic text isn’t your thing. As a birth doula, I believe that all birthing families deserve support, and not just on the big day.

These are the kinds of support that I have been able to provide for my clients in the past:


Knowing what all the local options are for prenatal care and planning for birth. Calming fears is another thing I do to support my clients in the prenatal period, and this comes in many forms, but most often through education. I also find myself supporting clients prenatally by connecting them with trusted professionals. This can be for all kinds of things including prenatal massage, chiropractic, and more. I also am happy to share my shopping tips when clients are looking for specific things!


As a doula, during birth I am giving physical support by helping my clients move around. I give hand massages and help keep their gown closed as we walk the halls. I also like to say that I help clients ask more questions about their care. This is part of helping them know what all their options are as well. I like to say that sometimes I help them order off the secret menu of options that aren’t necessarily the norm, but are perfectly fine to request.

One area that I wish I could support birthing families better here is during cesarean surgeries. All families deserve support, and it can be so hard for families when their plans go sideways. In many other places in the United States, they allow doulas in the operating room as a second support person. Doulas are even trained in how to behave inside an operating room, and how to support clients having a cesarean. Doulas are not currently allowed in operating room of all our local hospitals, but maybe we can change that in the future.

Postpartum: direction to proper resources & support!!

The most important thing that I can do for birth doula clients is to direct them to the people who are actual experts in the things that they are dealing with in the moment. If they have questions about breastfeeding, I make sure I send them to an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. That is just one example, but knowing WHO to ask questions is really important. Breastfeeding is a great example because so many people don’t really understand how little training most physicians have in breastfeeding science, and they end up getting non-evidence-based advice despite best intentions by everyone involved. Part of my job as a doula is helping clients connect to the right people for whatever questions they might have. I don’t always have the answers, but I do make it my business to know who to send you to.

I have not had the capacity to serve postpartum clients this year, but VERY soon, I am going to have an announcement coming, so be on the lookout for that in early 2020!

All families deserve the support of a doula. Part of my job is helping insure you get the right support at the right time from the right people. I’m constantly learning, so I can continue to know the best local and online resources for my clients.

What was the most helpful resource you found to help you after you brought your new baby home?

Midwives in Southwest Indiana?

Evansville needs midwives to support healthy birthing families!

Southwest Indiana needs midwives, and the lack of them here is surprising. It is frustrating for me as a doula for several reasons. Our area deserves to have midwifery options, especially as midwifery care has proven benefits for patient satisfaction, cost, and birth outcomes.

What does the landscape look like for people searching for midwifery care here? We currently have two Certified Professional Midwives that travel here for home births, one from Bedford and the other from Bloomington. However, home birth is not an option for everyone. In 2019, we only have one Certified Nurse Midwife catching babies at one Evansville area hospital.

So what is the big deal? Midwives are experts in normal pregnancy and birth. According to the Midwives Alliance of North America “all midwives are trained to provide comprehensive prenatal care and education, guide labor and birth, address complications, and care for newborns.” Midwives are not surgeons, and all obstetricians are, which fundamentally changes the way that they approach your care. The Midwifery Model of Care “whether practiced in clinics, private homes, hospitals or birth centers, has at its core the characteristics of being with women, listening to women, and sharing knowledge and decision-making with women” (MANA). Midwives expect pregnancy and birth to be normal and watch out for signs that pregnancy, labor, and delivery might need intervention. That is not the same approach as an Obstetrician, and if you want to read more about the comparison or some social science research about this I highly recommend this book and especially this article and this one too from Robbie Davis-Floyd. She is the most renowned anthropological expert when it comes to this stuff!

Midwives have also been proven time and time again to be linked to better outcomes for their patients. People who use midwives for their care are THREE TIMES more likely to be satisfied with their care when compared with obstetrician-led care. Midwifery care has also been shown to be the most cost effective care in the hospital setting.

Who cares? Well, I do, and I’m not alone. I chose midwifery care for myself when I delivered my babies in Cleveland. As a doula, I regularly get asked for recommendations about providers, and I can’t even count the number of disappointed people I have talked to when I tell them that there is only one midwife here in town available to catch babies in one hospital. There are plenty of factors that go into choosing a provider, including insurance, location, practice style, personality, and so much more. While one midwife is certainly better than none, people choosing to birth here surely deserve more options. We need more midwives in Southwest Indiana.

For a little comparison, just down the road in Owensboro, KY there are 4 Certified Nurse Midwives catching babies at the hospital. Owensboro has a population of around 60,000. Evansville has a population of >115,000! If we include the populations of the surrounding 5 counties (Gibson, Posey, Spencer, Vanderburgh, & Warrick) We have a local population of over 320,000 people, and we know that there are people traveling here from Northern Kentucky, Eastern Illinois, and even further counties in Indiana to give birth, and they aren’t even included in that population count! Not every pregnancy and birth here needs to be attended by a surgeon. Yes, family practice physicians are also an excellent option, and there are some great ones here, but midwifery care is more specialized and has a different approach than the medical model of birth.

Southwest Indiana needs midwives, and we have some currently working to complete their training. As I sit writing this I know three midwives who are currently in school and planning to practice here when they graduate. Two will be Certified Nurse Midwives who catch babies in the hospital and one will be a Certified Professional Midwife who attends home births. Growing families deserve options for their care, and these midwives will be an amazing addition to our community when they are finished with their training. I can’t wait for the day when birthing families in Southwest Indiana have more midwives to support them as they grow.

Have you ever considered hiring a midwife instead of a physician for your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum care?

Doula? A do what now?

Midwives and doulas have very different jobs!

One of the most common misconceptions that I run into as a doula is that people think that we are the same as midwives. While I have worked with some really great midwives in my time as a doula, and LOVED having midwives catch my own 2 babies, I do not want to be a midwife or be confused for one. Doula care can compliment midwifery care very well, but we certainly do not replace a midwife.

As a doula, I do a whole lot of things that can improve your pregnancy, labor, delivery, and immediate postpartum. I help you ask more (and sometimes better or more specific) questions prenatally and think through all those decisions about what you want for your delivery before it is actually the big day. I help you practice different comfort techniques and even help you know exactly what things you actually need to have for your birth and immediate postpartum period either at the hospital or home. I hold hands and help people move around, sometimes with all kinds of wires attached to them. I push on your lower back, squeeze your hips, and massage your hands during labor. I help you to the bathroom and comfort you through the challenges of labor and deliver with all kinds of affirming words. I will let you squeeze my hand and listen to the changes in your voice and demeanor for clues on how I can better help you. I do not doula the same for any two births, as each one presents its own unique set of circumstances.

Midwives provide care for healthy pregnant people prenatally, during labor and delivery, and postpartum. They approach birth differently than an Obstetrician, but essentially do all the medical things an OB can do other than surgery. Midwives view birth as a normal process and often practice watchful waiting while expecting everything to be perfectly normal and fine instead of trying to prevent things from going wrong through action. It can seem a very subtle difference in philosophy, and not all midwives take this approach, but this is the midwifery approach generally to pregnancy and birth.

  • A short and completely non-comprehensive list of things a midwife can do that I do not as a doula:
  • Check your vital signs like blood pressure and temperature
  • Order labs
  • See you for in-office prenatal visits (monthly, biweekly, then weekly)
  • Check your cervix
  • Catch your baby
  • Give you stitches
  • Check your fundal height after delivery
  • Order and administer medication

If you want to learn more about midwives, this link is a good place to start.

If you would like to learn more about doulas, you can read about us here. I would also LOVE to talk to you about my services! You can contact me through this website, via email, phone, or message me on social media–whatever you are comfortable with is fine with me. You can read reviews from previous clients and check my availability at this link as well if you would like.

I love helping my clients navigate pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, and have more than five years of experience as a doula at both hospital and home births. I have worked with some amazing midwives and OBs too. I have been to 8 different hospitals as a doula and learned all about their policies and who has which equipment. I know which cabinets have the towels and where to find the emesis basins. More than that though, I support my clients however they want to be supported, because each one is different and each situation demands different techniques and approaches.

Someone once asked me what the #1 most important quality is for a good doula. That was easy for me to answer: EMPATHY! What I may lack in midwifery clinical skills, I make up for in compassion and listening skills. Midwives and doulas can work really well together and there is definitely room for both in your chosen birthing space!