“The Secret Menu”

Have you ever wanted to order something that wasn’t on the menu at a restaurant like they do in Ratatouille the movie? What about finding that ever elusive Unicorn Frappucino? Well, we firmly believe that when it comes to your pregnancy, birth, & postpartum, there should NOT be a secret menu. That’s why we’re here to both demystify some of the evidence based things you could be using/requesting AND to make recommendations for you too. Secret menu items might be all fine and good for fast food restaurants, but we’re not keeping these secrets from you any more!

**Note, some of these links are affiliate links and we may get a small compensation if you use them. We promise this is not how we are getting rich, and we only recommend products we really love!**

Secret Menu for Pregnancy Top 5

Pregnancy can be rough, but we’re here to tell you some of our favorite “secret menu” things that can make it a little bit better. Here are our top 5:

1. Compression Socks–yes they can be tough to get on, but they seriously help with swelling so much. Kindred Bravely has some that don’t even look like your grandma would wear them, & bonus this mom owned company has comfy cozy clothing for every step of your pregnancy to postpartum journey.

2. Slide on shoes–bending over to tie your shoes is overrated, & we’ve been hearing rave reviews of Hey Dude Shoes from lots of our clients.

3. Magnesium lotion is great for helping with restless legs, and our favorite is the lavender sleepy lotion from 8 Sheep Organics.

4. A good support belt will save your lower back as your belly grows & we think the awesome belts that Belly Bandit sells are soooo worth your investment.

5. Finally, our secret menu favorite thing to recommend is to take an independent childbirth education class that fits with your goals. We know of a ton of great online classes to fit every budget (including free), & if you want to try an in-person class, hit us up, because we totally do that!

Lamaze Classes for VBAC, Bringing Home Baby, Breastfeeding Basics, Labor Pain Management, Safe & Healthy Birth in 6 steps, or Labor Confidence (free).

Alice Turner has awesome classes including Supporting Her (specifically for partners), Birth A to Z (free), & FREE live Lamaze classes via her YouTube channel too.

If you’re looking for an awesome class for partners to learn how to help, The Birth Partner’s Ultimate Labor Support Toolkit is an excellent one!

Mandy Irby (The Birth Nurse) has a really great pre-recorded full Lamaze class that I like to recommend as well: Ultimate Guide to Taking Control of Your Childbirth. (Use coupon: BIRTHGEEKS for 15% off)

Secret Menu for Birth Top 5

Not all of these options are available at all facilities, but it never hurts to ask and even asking for these things helps plant a seed that people would like them.

1. Intermittent &/or Telemetry Monitoring can be soo helpful for movement while you are in labor! Intermittent monitoring is typically available if you don’t have any drugs in your system & everything is looking great with you & baby. Times for intermittent monitoring can vary, but typically 15-20 minutes out of every hour used as a metric. Telemetry monitoring is WIRELESS & AMAZING for sooo many reasons including moving, getting up to use the restroom, walking the halls, etc. ASK for these things!

2. Squat Bar–YES, they have them, & no you don’t have to use them to squat if you don’t want to. I like to wrap the center of a sheet around the bar & put the ends in your hands so you can put your feet on the bar and pull the sheet while you’re pushing. It works really well for some people!

3. A Roller Ball Massager is something that you’ll need to bring, but you can grab a cheap one at 5 Below to help with massage and counter pressure on your partner’s sacrum. It is one of my most used tools in my doula bag.

4. Eye Masks are great for both helping you focus internally on how you are feeling & coping with labor AND signaling to the people around you that you want to be left alone to concentrate. Psst, I really like to wear one when I’m trying to sleep during the day and my kids keep coming upstairs to ask me questions too.

5. Alternate Pushing Positions are NOT used enough, & I’m here to say that they need to be, even for people who have epidurals!! As a #birthdoula, I’m a HUGE fan of whatever works for you and your baby, but I hear soo much misinformation about pushing positions, & the constant assumption that flat on your back with your legs in stirrups is just how it is going to be, is frankly annoying and not at all supported by evidence or physiology for the most part. I’m here to say that you CAN push in other positions and you probably SHOULD at least try a few before you figure out what will work for you.

Secret Menu for Postpartum Top 5

Everyone wants to buy stuff for your baby, but all of our “secret menu” things are specifically for YOU!

1. Milk Collectors are awesome for catching that extra liquid gold that might otherwise end up in your bra, but be aware that there are passive collectors like Milkies Milk Saver on-the-go & active ones like the Haakaa silicone pump. If you have a tendency to overproduce, be aware of if you are demanding more or just collecting.

2. The fancy peri-bottle made by Frida Mom is Ah-mazing if you’ve had a vaginal birth. Seriously!

3. #Cesarean or not, a belly binder can be your friend in those first days when your abs & organs are all still rearranging.

4. Clothes that are especially made for nursing your baby and being comfortable are important, & Kindred Bravely has some of our favorite pieces (& you can 10% off by using our link.

5. Our favorite pillows for nursing are from My Brest Friend, and not just because of the awesome pockets, though those are great too.

We truly hope…

We truly hope to keep breaking down the secret menu for our clients and community. If you don’t know to ask for these things, you might not get them. Keep learning and pushing for change, you know we will too.

Our 2021 Local Statistics

Every year hospitals submit specific measurements to Leapfrog Group to see how the they are doing, and this year’s aren’t looking great. We like to check in on our local statistics to see how we are doing, and you can read last year’s local statistics if you’d like. In this table, the numbers in bold are from 2021 & those in parenthesis are from 2018.

Hospital NSTV Cesarean RateEarly Elective DeliveriesEpisiotomies
The Women’s Hospital
Newburgh, IN
27% (22.9%) 5.2% (1.7%)11.9% (14.8%)
Ascension St. Vincent Evansville23.5% (27.2%)0% (.8%)5.6%(6.8%)
Owensboro Health declined to respond (29.7%) declined to respond (1.4%) declined to respond (12.7% )
Memorial Hospital & Healthcare Center Jasper, IN17.5% (12.8%)4.5% (0.0%)7.4% (9.8%)
Daviess Community Hospital Washington, IN15.7% (15.2%)2.9% (1.9%)6.9% (13.1%)
Good Samaritan Hospital Vincennes, IN24.2% [20.7%]*3.8% [4.0%]*5.2% [14.2%]*
Deaconess Henderson Hospital27.6% (26.1%)2.5% (2.4%)2.6% (2.4%)
*numbers are from 2020, as we did not record the data for Good Samaritan Hospital in 2o18

Let’s take a moment to congratulate Ascension St. Vincent’s in Evansville for their success in reducing their overall NSTV cesarean section rate. Yes, there is room for improvement, but they are also the only local hospital that reported data and reduced their cesarean rate, as well as early elective deliveries AND episiotomies. Way to go StV!

Why does it matter?

The NSTV rate tells us the likelihood of a 1st time parent walking into a hospital with one head-down baby at 38+weeks gestation and walking out after having had major abdominal surgery to deliver that baby. This statistic doesn’t count surgical births for breech delivery or repeat cesareans or even first cesarean surgeries for your 3rd baby. From a population standpoint, we should be aiming to get that rate to between 10-15%, and huzzah Davies Community hospital is hovering right on top of that target. These reported NSTV local statistics have all gone in the wrong direction, and that matters for birthing families.

It matters because having one cesarean section increases the risks to you with each subsequent pregnancy. Is VBAC an option for you? Maybe, but only around 20% of people who have had a previous cesarean section will even attempt a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean, and then only if they can find a provider who is actually supportive. After a cesarean, your risk of things like placental accreta, increta, and percreta increase too. Surgical birth carries risk, and according to the evidence, we are doing surgery too often.

How can we change?

Hold OBs to their own standards. Yes, I mean us as consumers, but also hospitals and insurance companies too. ACOG gave some great ideas here, California has some ideas we could bring to the Midwest here & Dr. Neel Shah has been a leader in the call to figure out how to reduce cesareans. I have also read about hospitals publishing their own data publicly and privately nudging physicians to change by keeping them informed of their own professional statistics. I promise you that physicians have access to their personal statistics, whether they access them or choose to share them publicly (or even with patients) is another story all together. There has to be that push and pull if we are going to create true lasting change.

How can you reduce your own risk?

  1. Choose a place to give birth with a lower NSTV cesarean section rate. I know that insurance plays a huge factor in this, so that isn’t always an option for everyone. We do know that your greatest risk of needing cesarean surgery is the location of your delivery.
  2. Inform yourself! Know your options & be ready for what is to come for labor and delivery. You can’t prepare for all of it, but you can at least know what to expect and how the system can sometimes set you up to fail. Know what to watch for!
  3. Hire a doula! Having a doula on your team reduces the likelihood of needing cesarean surgery to birth your child. No, we can’t prevent all cesareans, especially because some of them are very necessary and honestly can be beautiful and healing too. We can promise that having a doula on your team will help you ask great questions of your care team and hopefully feel like the most important person in the room with all the decision-making power. (Because really, you are!)

Doula Investment

We know that choosing to add a doula to your birth or postpartum team is a pretty big investment for most families, but you won’t regret it! From the time you hire your birth doula all the way through your 4th trimester postpartum, a doula can be there to help you every step of the way. Here are three ways your doula investment pays off for you:

“Is this normal?”

Pregnancy brings a whole lot of aches, pains, and questions about your changing body as you grow another human inside of it. Once you decide to make that doula investment your services begin right then. You get your doula’s phone number and can call or text them with ANY worries or questions you might have. We promise ZERO judgement for any questions, because we’ve probably already heard most of them before too.

We also know that the internet can be an overwhelming place for pregnant people. Not only can you ask your doula all your personal pregnancy, birth, & postpartum questions, but we also have an online classroom for our clients. Our classroom is filled with links, handouts, & even coloring pages that are helpful. We filter the internet, so you don’t have to worry about getting advice from random groups of possibly uninformed fellow parents.

Birth options

Contrary to popular belief, doulas don’t think everyone should have the same kind of birth. Investing in doula services means having someone on your team that wants to know YOU and your specific requests. Doulas invest in your experience, because that is our job on your team! Research has shown that doulas actually spend more time with you than anyone else on your birth team by the way, and that’s a pretty big deal. So whether you want to go without pain medication or want your epidural ASAP, a doula can still help you know all of your options. Doulas start getting to know your preferences during pregnancy and help you move through all those decisions during the entire process of bringing your baby earth-side.

Postpartum resources

Once your baby arrives, your doula doesn’t just ditch you! We have a ton of resources for families once you’re holding that baby. Whether you are looking for lactation information, local professionals that can help you physically recover, or even someone to come help out around the house while you shower, we can doula that. Sure our online classroom has resources for you, but sometimes you just need someone to come over and check on just you. Your birth doula will do just that.

Postpartum doulas are a newer thing here in Evansville, Indiana, but we are here to tell you that this is one doula investment that is going to knock your socks off too. A postpartum doula gives physical, emotional, & information support to families in the 4th trimester. Want someone to come do the dishes, fold your laundry, & give you non-judgmental feeding advice while never asking to hold your baby? That’s what a postpartum doula does.

You’re worth it too!

We know that the price-tag for doula services can leave you with sticker shock. We get it. We hope that this blog post has helped explain a bit of what you are going to get for your doula investment. No two client experiences are going to ever look exactly the same, and that is honestly a great thing. We want to help you have the best experience possible from the time you hire your doula until well after you cuddle your baby for the first time. Your doula will be with you every step of the way as much as you want them to be. The experience of bringing your baby into this world is one that will be with you forever, and hiring a doula who is entirely focused on you means investing in your well-being. We know you’re worth it, and we’d be happy to talk to you about how we might be able to help your family.

Welcome Heather Spain: Birth & Postpartum Doula

One of the most sought after doulas in Southern Indiana has joined the Doula Group of Evansville team!

Heather is a modest and quiet person until you get to know her a little better. She is a highly intelligent and compassionate doula who knows her stuff because of her professional and personal experience. She is gentle and kind, but isn’t afraid to tell it like it is when that is what is needed in the moment. Heather has been a doula friend of mine for years, and I am honestly honored that she has chosen to join our team here at Doula Group of Evansville. I have had the chance to trust my clients to Heather before as a back-up doula, and now I get to help her find her own clients too!

Doula Heather Spain

Her Experience:

Heather has extensive doula experience both at hospital and home births. She is a highly skilled and trained doula who takes her role very seriously, but knows how to laugh at just the right times too. As a mom of 4, twins sandwiched between 2 singletons, Heather brings a TON of personal experience to the job as well. She’s had to juggle all the things, and she’s looking forward to helping all types of families learn to do the same from pregnancy announcement and into the 4th trimester. Heather is a former board member of our local Moms of Multiples group and fervent reader of all things lactation. She brings her knowledge and fantastic giggle to every interaction you have with her, and her organization skills are legendary. Heather is also an experienced placenta encapsulator, and will be tackling that role for us as well!

Heather Spain, DoulasEVV Evansville Doula Newburgh

About herself:

“I have been a DONA trained birth doula since 2017 and have worked in many capacities within the birthing community. I was raised in Evansville, where I still live with my husband of 11 year and our four amazing children. Their unique births sparked my passion for working with birthing people and their families in all stages of their journey.”

See, I told you she’s modest! I would thoroughly embarrass her if I wrote all the amazing things I think about her here. Please suffice it to say that Heather is a one of a kind dynamite doula who knows her stuff!


Heather is available to start taking clients as early as mid-September for both birth and postpartum. That continuity of care from 1st trimester through 4th trimester is one of the greatest parts of Heather being able to do both birth and postpartum work! Want to meet Heather to see if she’s the right one to help you welcome your new little(s) into the world? Contact us today: doulagroupofevansville@gmail.com or 812-250-9590.

5 Induction Truths

An induction is discussed with every pregnant person at some point, & these are 5 truths you may not hear anywhere else.

1. Sometimes Induction is Necessary.

High blood pressure, blood sugar control issues, protein in your urine, health concerns for the baby, and more can make it healthier for your baby to be better on the outside than on the inside. These are very valid medical reasons to be induced. Some providers prefer inductions to take place because of suspected big babies, low fluid, getting close or passing your due date, and other reasons. As we know from the evidence, these are NOT medical indications for induction.

2. You CAN Say No.

If everything is fine with you and the baby, then it is perfectly ok to say no to an induction. Even if you are in the hospital for an induction, you are STILL allowed to say no to anything that they offer, and you should be having a true informed consent and refusal discussion for each and every procedure. This includes breaking your water, starting medications, cervical exams, internal monitoring, the type of cervical ripening medication, and ANY TIME someone wants to touch you! Signing up for an induction does not mean you leave your autonomy at the front door. You’re still the boss applesauce!

3. Induction Increases Your Risk of Needing Cesarean Surgery.

Yes, there was ONE study that found that inducing everyone at 39 weeks reduces the cesarean rate, which actually was really problematic. I have discussed this previously along with a BUNCH of other scholars, however there is far more research that says the opposite. I really appreciate Dr. Sara Wickham’s resources on induction for help making informed decisions. This is something that needs to be discussed before you agree to any induction, no matter why it is being advised.

4. Induction Affects More Than Just When the Baby is Born.

Induction is forcing your baby and body to do something before they are ready to do it on their own. Most due dates are an estimate, and none are expiration dates, as babies keep developing even after they are born. Induction interrupts the hormonal physiology of birth, as Dr. Sarah Buckley has published on extensively. Interventions also affect breastfeeding, which can make feeding your baby more challenging after an induction. This needs to be part of the discussion when you are weighing the risks and benefits of whether to choose an induction.

5. Induction Can Take a LONG Time.

Especially for first time parents, induction can take a really long time. Locally most inductions start overnight with a cervical ripening medication and then proceed the next day. Will you be allowed to eat and/or drink during that time? Will you be allowed to take a shower? Will you be on the monitors the entire time? When are you allowed to get an epidural if you want one? Will your provider be there the whole time? What kind of time limits will they put on your progress? Will there be breaks? Can you bring your Fire Stick to keep watching your current favorite binge-worthy show? Ask questions to help yourself make the most informed decisions regarding your care!

The bottom line is this: If your provider is recommending induction, have an open and honest conversation with them using the BRAIN acronym:

  • Benefits–what are the benefits to this?
  • Risks–are there any?
  • Alternatives–what else could we try?
  • Intuition–what does your gut say?
  • Nothing–what happens if we wait?

Only YOU get to decide what is the right choice, and we want to make sure everyone goes into birth and parenting with their eyes wide open from the beginning. Want to do some more digging before making a decision about an induction? Asking for TIME can be the most empowering way to step away from what can be a high pressure feeling power imbalanced situation when you are sitting there with your pants off talking to your provider. We talk to clients about this all the time, so feel free to give us a call for a consult if you want a little help!

Measuring Change: Local 2020 Hospital Statistics

That numbers are out for 2020, and they might surprise you.

Statistics tell us part of the story of how a hospital cares for their patients and about the culture of a place. They do not tell us the entire story in any way shape or form, but they are a way to measure change and track goals. Leapfrog is a group that tracks statistics about hospitals around the country using a survey that 75% of hospitals participate in each year. Today was the day that they published this data for 2020.

You can find the 2018 Statistics in this post we wrote. I did not write a post for 2019’s statistics, but I think we all remember April 2020 right? You can look these statistics up for yourself here, because you really don’t have to just take my word for it.

Definitions & notes for you:

  1. This Cesarean Section data  is for NSTV (research speak for 1st time parents, 38+ weeks pregnant, with a single head-down baby) cesarean rates and does not include repeat cesarean deliveries or 1st time cesarean deliveries in people who have had previous vaginal deliveries. This is an important distinction. Leapfrog Group uses the Healthy People 2020 goal of 23.9% for primary cesarean deliveries in this category. I want to note here that the WHO stated target NSTV cesarean rate is 10-15%, so that is something to also think about when looking at this data.
  2. Early Elective Deliveries are defined as elective induction or cesarean sections before 39 weeks.  This does not include medically indicated early deliveries, therefore the goal is for these to be less than 5%.
  3. Episiotomies are a cut made to the perineum during the birth process.  While sometimes necessary, routine episiotomies are not evidence-based practice, and Leapfrog sets their goal as less than 5%.
  4. The numbers in (parentheses) are the previous numbers reported in 2018. I did not include numbers for Good Samaritan Hospital previously, so apologies to our friends in Vincennes for the lack of change comparison possible in this table.
  5. New numbers that reach or exceed the Leapfrog goals are in blue.
Hospital NSTV Cesarean SectionsEarly Elective DeliveriesEpisiotomies
The Women’s Hospital
Newburgh, IN
26.2% (22.9%) 6.8% (1.7%)11.5% (14.8%)
Ascension St. Vincent Evansville*25.3%
0.0% (.8%)5.9% (6.8%)
Owensboro Health29.5% (29.7%).7% (1.4%)5.7% (12.7% )
Deaconess Henderson Hospital**25.5% (26.1%)0.0% (2.4%)2.8% (2.4%)
Memorial Hospital & Healthcare Center Jasper, IN11.1% (12.8%)5.9% (0.0%)7.9% (9.8%)
Daviess Community Hospital Washington, IN17.9% (15.2%)0.0% 1.9%)8.2% (13.1%)
Good Samaritan Hospital Vincennes, IN20.7%4.0%14.2%
*Previously St. Vincent’s Medical Center of Evansville
**Previously Methodist Hospital of Henderson
DoulasEVV Evansville Doula Newburgh

What the Numbers Don’t Say

What these numbers don’t say is what an incredible strain 2o20 was on all hospitals, including in maternity care. While there were clearly jumps in early elective deliveries at Memorial in Jasper and The Women’s Hospital in Newburgh, we don’t know when those happened. Were those elective deliveries in March and April last year when everything was locking down due to the growing pandemic and people were truly scared for their lives? Conversely, maybe the pandemic was an easy excuse to push for early elective induction too. We can’t know that from the numbers. These statistics represent thousands of birth stories that we can’t know just by reading them.

These statistics are also not the only ones worth looking at when making decisions regarding your care. Other important factors such as VBAC success rates, availability of lactation help, availability of anesthesia, proximity to your home, provider access, insurance coverage etc. Sometimes that last one ends up being the deciding factor no matter what your preferences are on location.

How to Use These Numbers

First use them to think about where you want to deliver. You do have options and choices on where to go, and we would be happy to talk to you about our experiences at these places as well. Know that these are overall statistics that paint a generalized picture, and start there. Even if you don’t have a choice on where to go to birth, because we know that happens, these statistics can help you look at the norm where you will be delivering. They can help you know what to expect and watch for during your delivery.

Next use the numbers to start a conversation with your provider. Where do they deliver? What are their personal statistics compared to the facility? How do they feel about episiotomies?

We ALWAYS encourage everyone to have open, honest, and frank conversations with their providers. Don’t be intimidated by the white coats, they are people too. Keep it positive and be inquisitive, and go with your gut when it comes to making decisions regarding your provider and location for delivery.

We look forward to comparing 2020 with 2021 when those numbers come out!

  • What is the first question that comes to mind looking at this table?
  • Do any of these numbers surprise you?
  • Which of these statistics most line up with what you previously thought about these facilities?

Jennifer Remaklus: Birth Doula

We’re excited to grow our team to serve more birthing families in Evansville & the surrounding areas.

We are so very excited to announce a new birth doula on our team!! I knew I wanted Jennifer on my team of Evansville doulas as soon as we met. We spoke about her experiences and philosophy regarding birth, and I felt the fantastic positive energy that she has about her. Jennifer’s positivity and gentle nature will leave you feeling refreshed from every encounter, and she will be an amazing asset to any birth team. She’s already approved to attend births at all local hospitals.

Here she is in her own words:

“For me, personal experience has often turned into opportunities for service.  The minute I learned what a doula was, my heart lit up. I was lovingly supported by a doula and midwife through two birth experiences and through one pregnancy loss.  I ignored the calling for years until after the birth of my second child.

After my daughter was born I was immersed in a dark postpartum time and my path to healing was to learn more about supporting mothers and families through their own pregnancy and birth journeys.  I took a DONA-certified course, advanced my yoga teacher training studies to include prenatal yoga, and continued to explore energetic healing modalities that had become part of my own healing journey. After I experienced a miscarriage of my own, I dove into courses with the Institute for Birth, Breath, and Death to learn ways to hold space for mothers through pregnancy and infant loss. 

My intention as a birth doula is to guide intuitive and empowering journeys through pregnancy and into early motherhood.  Reconnecting with our intuition builds a beautiful foundation to guiding and nurturing ourselves, and our children. As a reiki practitioner, I support each experience in a loving and gentle way, helping to hold space for the various energy shifts that occur as labor progresses. 

I recently relocated to Southern Indiana from Reno, Nevada to be near my family and to watch my kids and husband run free on 4 acres.  I am passionate about finding joy, following my intuition, and maintaining a healthy balance between laughter and tears. I also recently started wearing socks with my Birkenstocks, which makes me question everything I thought I knew about myself.”  

Now Booking Birth Doula Clients

Jennifer is planning to offer all birth doula clients one reiki session as part of her birth doula package. She is now booking birth doula clients with due dates of May 2021 or later, and would love to talk to you about how she can help you on your birth journey. Having her experience and knowledge in your corner will enhance your birth experience, no matter where you choose to give birth.

We are so proud to have Jennifer as part of our team of amazing doulas here at Doula Group of Evansville!

Postpartum Transition

All Birth Doula Packages with Doula Group of Evansville now include one postpartum planning session, because we think your postpartum transition is that important!

No matter what type of postpartum transition you are facing, we want you to feel prepared and supported. We talk to all kinds of parents about their worries and excitement and plans for postpartum, and while each situation is unique, so is our support. Beginning in 2021, all of our birth doula packages will now include one virtual visit with Kristyn, our postpartum doula.

Kristyn Tromley DoulasEVV Evansville Doula Newburgh
Kristyn Tromley, postpartum doula at Doula Group of Evansville

We believe that postpartum transitions can be such an amazing time in a family’s life, and honestly think that an ounce of planning can head off many issues. We also know that having a postpartum doula can help ease that transition, even just to have someone to call and check on you and give you unbiased information based on evidence and experience, as Kristyn does for her virtual clients. Postpartum transitions are beautiful liminal periods full of growth, learning, appointments, hormones, diapers, spit-up, and so much more. We are passionate about helping all our clients’ postpartum transitions be less fraught with stress and more full of confidence and support.

First time parents facing their first postpartum transition, often have many questions, and not just about which structured carrier is our favorite. (Though of course we’re happy to tell you what we used and liked!) Sometimes first time parents don’t even know what questions to ask a postpartum doula, or why one might be really helpful. I think that a visit with our postpartum doula Kristyn is so important for first time parents facing that first postpartum transition. She can really help new parents think about some thing obstacles that might be thrown in their path and how to plan ahead.

Once you have one kid, you know it all right? WRONG! Sometimes that second or third postpartum transition can be challenging in ways that you didn’t encounter the first time. Sibling interactions are usually the biggest worry after the first baby, but there are plenty of other things that a postpartum doula can help discuss too. Meal planning and logistics also loom large in subsequent postpartum transitions, with more mouths to feed and car seats to wrangle comes some shifting of responsibilities. Kristyn recently learned about this second postpartum transition herself, when she had her 2nd baby in October 2020, so she definitely has a fresh perspective.

So whether this is your first or eighth baby, we would love to talk to you about how we can help your postpartum transition be a little easier. We know just how important the 4th trimester is!

Restless Legs in Pregnancy

***This post contains affiliate links, and we will get a small fee if you click through & make a purchase. This is not our plan for getting rich, rather a small reward for referring you to awesome products that we love and highly recommend.***

Restless legs syndrome might sound like some annoying made-up thing for selling drugs, but it is actually a common problem in pregnancy. So what is it exactly? How many pregnant people does it actually effect? Is there anything you can do about it? I’m here to tell you that there’s hope for help, even if this is just a transient pregnancy annoyance.

Restless Leg Syndrome

Up to 34% of pregnant people get it! People describe it as feeling like their legs are itchy, creepy-crawly, or even burning and the only way to make it go away is to move them. It often happens in the middle of the night, waking you from sleep, which is why it really stinks in pregnancy. The reason it happens is not entirely clear, with theories ranging from deficiencies in iron or folic acid to imbalances of dopamine or estrogen. Whatever reason it happens, it is honestly just not fun.

Personal Perspective

My husband gets restless legs, especially after he has a soccer game! His legs jerk so hard that it shakes the bed, and I honestly have contemplated getting twin beds like 50s sitcoms sometimes or making him sleep somewhere else on nights that he has had soccer games. After doing a little research about things that can help RLS, I FINALLY convinced him to start using this unscented lotion on his legs before bed. It has made such a difference! I am a much nicer person when I get my sleep, and my husband is happy because we still get to keep our Queen sized bed (for now).

8 Sheep Organics

Beyond just lotion, 8 Sheep products like their sleepy lotion, “unwind” pillow mist, & organic bedtime tea all can help your bedtime routine for settling down at the end of a long day. There truly is something about a routine that trains our minds that it is time for calm and rest, and your olfactory senses are the most effective triggers of memories. These smells can trigger your brain to relax and know that it is time to chill.

If you aren’t pregnant, but are looking for a sweet gift for that pregnant person in your life, they also have this Sweet Slumber Gift Set that includes all of the above 3 products at a discounted price. This is a sweet reminder for the pregnant people in your life that they are also important!

So if you or someone you know is having symptoms of restless leg syndrome, trying out some of this lotion might be a great help. I have 3 samples of this lavender scented lotion to giveaway if you want to try it out, so please message me if you are interested! Send us a message and we’ll get you a sample! It smells great and might just help you get a little more rest.

DoulasEVV Evansville Doula Newburgh